Varicocele Surgery

To-do list before the arrival of the hospital for microsurgical varicocele surgery:

1-Be sure to bring your varicocele-related test results all the way to the hospital such as spermiogram, hormones.

2- If you want to clear the surgery region before, shave 10 cm of the groin area upward from the root of the penis with both sides completely clean. Staff at the hospital can also do this process when you are laid.

3- You must be hungry for at least 6 hours before the surgery; this hunger should be like fasting in the form of not eating anything or even drinking.

4- Should not use anticoagulant drugs such as Aspirin in the previous week before the surgery. Consult your doctor if you have a concern about this.

5- Bring with you a- tracksuit type pants elastic waistband, b- 2 tight slip underwear.

6- Please inform in advance if you prefer to use a credit card. Your payment is a package price for one-year period encompassing all including examinations, meals, escort fees, anesthesia, medications, surgery, post-operative follow-up and fourth month checkup. You do not have to consult accountancy in checkout. VAT is included in charges.

What You Need To Know Upon Arriving To The Hospital For Microsurgical Varicocele Operation:

1- I will visit you before and after the operation.

2- Do not eat or drink, as you would expect surgery and rest calmly.

3- I will visit you upon completion of my operations.

4- The contamination of your dressing is completely normal and a condition that we have all been waiting for, do not worry.

5- Serum will remain attached until the evening hours and will be issued after the application of antibiotics in the evening. You can get up to go to the bathroom before going to bed by taking support from personnel or relatives and eat juicy food. It is highly recommended that you do not stand up alone and eat other than the foods given on the first day because of the possibility of dizziness depending on the anesthesia.

6- You can easily walk and make your breakfast next morning. In the same day, the doctor or his assistant will make your dressing to get ready for checkout.

7-Start using your prescription drugs at once. You can use Zitromax 500 mg. for three days as an antibiotic and Majezik tablet not more than twice a day as an analgesic for a couple of days  after surgery. It will be comfortable to wear a tight slip underwear during the first week after the surgery, then you should not choose the slip, we recommend that you wear a larger underwear. Your doctor will inform you about time and place of the checkup after surgery.

8- Avoid the sutures from water for a period of one week after the operation; you can clean other parts with water. The sutures will not be removed as they will be removed in 15-20 days by itself and after 15 days, you can help the removal of the sutures by using washcloth. You can take a shower for a week after surgery, and have a sexual intercourse observantly. Any movement or heavy lifting after surgery does not bring harm to the success of your surgery but can just cause pain for the first 15 days or one month. After one month, you can start doing sports in a controlled manner.

9- Please make your spermiogram and FSH tests (and DFI if done before surgery) in four months after the surgery in the laboratory where your doctor made sperm analysis and make an appointment for a free checkup.

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