Appointments for consultation, surgery and prices

Private surgeries are performed at Acibadem Fulya Hospital. I personally examine the patient before a decision of varicocele surgery and see their existing test results and definitely want to see a spermiogram and FSH + Total testosterone result from Biruni Laboratory Etiler Branch (+90 212 358 5100) where my special staff performs to my standarts. Having these tests done before seeing me would save time. For appointments call +90 532 666-1-666 or send me a mail, the price is 150 usd, including taxes.
For the microsurgical operation, the package that includes hospital tests, anesthesia, surgery, one night stay in private room with your company, and my one year visits the the total cost is 4000 USD for single sided, 5000 USD for double sided varicoceles and 6000 USD for re-do operations. The price includes all taxes and is payed upfront by major cards or cash.

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